primary energy

英 [ˈpraɪməri ˈenədʒi] 美 [ˈpraɪmeri ˈenərdʒi]




  1. In 2014, renewables contributed just over 2 per cent of global primary energy consumption.
  2. Fifth, the revolution in the production of shale gas and tight oil is expected to continue, with their share in primary energy production rising to about 10 per cent.
  3. The EU recently said it would not meet its target of saving 20 per cent of its primary energy consumption by 2020, partly because of the lack of appropriate tools for monitoring progress and measuring impacts on the member state level.
  4. The active power optimal distribution can save primary energy consumption through the comparison between the unit active power optimized and average distribution.
  5. Development must now be speeded up to help solve the critical issue of inadequate primary energy sources in many areas.
  6. At present, natural gas takes up only 3 percent of China's primary energy composition, while the world average rate is 23 percent.
  7. A New Method to Reconstruct the Primary Energy of Knee Region Cosmic Ray
  8. Analysis on CBM Competitiveness in Primary Energy Consumption Market
  9. Eating frequent meals prevents dips in blood glucose ( 7), the primary energy source for the brain.
  10. This pattern increases China's primary energy consumption and makes it suffer a lot from trade frictions.
  11. The proportion of commercial renewable energy to the structure of primary energy keeps rising.
  12. Quantitative comparison was made on the primary energy utilization rate between the urban sewage source heat pump and other sources of heat according to the practical parameters.
  13. Combined with life cycle assessment principle, the total primary energy consumption and green house gases ( GHGs) emission of methanol-gasoline pathway are analyzed.
  14. Primary Energy and Electricity Consumption Forecast of China from Perspective of Historical Trend of OECD Countries
  15. It is estimated that China has4000 billion tons of potential primary energy reservation.
  16. The comparison between the primary energy mixes, the modes of end use and energy efficiencies of China and the United States can help us understand China ′ s potential for raising energy efficiency.
  17. To satisfy the request of field experiment, a more compact and smaller pulsed power supply system using storage battery as primary energy source is designed.
  18. According to government data, in 2007 Japan generated just 6 per cent of its primary energy from renewable sources, including hydropower – a level virtually unchanged since 1973.
  19. Overall, argues BP in its latest Energy Outlook, by 2030 gas might come to rival coal and oil as a primary energy source.
  20. Energy can be divided into primary energy and secondary energy.
  21. About 90 per cent of China's primary energy needs are supplied locally.
  22. A nearly limitless primary energy source is the fusion of deuterium or heavy hydrogen ( one proton and one neutron), which is found in the water of the earth.
  23. Inner Mongolia has rich primary energy resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas and has also great potential for developing new energy sources.
  24. Any delay in new nuclear construction and any acceleration in the closure of old stations will encourage power generators to invest in natural gas as the safe and readily available source of primary energy.
  25. But at the same time economic growth remains the prime objective of Chinese policy and growth requires the consumption of ever greater volumes of primary energy, led by coal.
  26. Most of the rest of the investment will have to go to exploring and developing new sources of oil, which will remain the world's primary energy source for decades.
  27. This paper analyzes the working principle of gas engine-driven heat pump system, presents the equation of primary energy ratio, and points out its influencing factors.